Aug 17, 2018 is a free service that checks your IPv6 and IPv4 connectivity and speed. Diagnose connection problems, discover which address(es) you are currently using to browse the Internet, and what is your browser's protocol of choice when both v6 and v4 are available. Cloudflare created the fastest public DNS beating Google Jul 20, 2020 Rogers vs Google DNS - Any Benefits? - Rogers Community Google IPV6 DNS: 2001:4860:4860:: 8844 . There are differences between the various Domain Name Servers. Rogers DNS will normally offer the fastest response. It provides address resolution only. There have been criticism in the past regarding the DNS performance, but, there haven't been any comments recently. Google, as far as I know, offers

IP to Google Maps, Locate IP on Google Maps | IPVoid

Can't seem to enable IPV6 correctly with DHCP : pihole It appears in the pihole interface as the IPV6 address (in settings > system). However, the IPv6 DNS options are greyed out (e.g. the Google DNS IPV6 options are disabled and can't be selected). I've restarted the raspberry pi and the dns service. The impact of this (I think) is that DHCP doesn't appear to be working as expected. IPv6 - reddit

Aug 30, 2017

What is a DNS Server? Internet Networking Explained May 27, 2020 Best free and public DNS servers in 2020 | TechRadar